A sustainable Easter: Simple tips for a greener celebration

Hop into an eco-friendly Easter with these sustainable tips and treats.

Easter is a time for celebration, family gatherings, and delicious treats. But as we indulge in the festivities, it's important to remember our impact on the planet. This year, why not make your Easter celebrations more sustainable? Here are some simple tips to help you enjoy a greener Easter.

1. Opt for eco-friendly decorations

Instead of buying plastic decorations that will end up in a landfill, opt for sustainable alternatives. Decorate with natural materials like fresh flowers, potted plants, and wooden ornaments. You can also get creative and make your decorations using recycled materials or items found in nature.

Visit here for inspiration.

2. Choose fairtrade and organic treats

When stocking up on Easter treats, look for options that are fairtrade and organic. Choose chocolate and sweets that are ethically sourced, ensuring fair wages for farmers and minimal environmental impact.  

Visit our blog all about sustainable chocolates and sweets!

3. Reduce food waste

Easter often involves large feasts and indulgent meals, but it's important to avoid food waste wherever possible. Plan your meals carefully, only buying what you need and opting for locally sourced, seasonal ingredients. Get creative with leftovers, turning them into delicious new dishes or freezing them for later use.

Visit BBC Good Food for inspiration for what you can use your leftovers for!

4. Host eco-friendly activities

Instead of traditional Easter egg hunts that generate waste with plastic eggs and wrappers, consider hosting eco-friendly activities. Hide real, hard-boiled eggs dyed with natural food colouring or organise a scavenger hunt focused on nature and sustainability. Encourage kids to connect with the outdoors.  

5. Embrace the spirit of giving back

Easter is a time of giving, so why not give back to the planet? Consider donating to environmental organisations, volunteering for local clean-up efforts, or taking part in community gardening projects. By giving back to the Earth, you'll be celebrating Easter in a truly meaningful and sustainable way.  


This Easter let's embrace the spirit of sustainability and make conscious choices that help both ourselves and the planet.  

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