Stop Food Waste Day: Tips, tricks, and insights to combat food waste

Around 9.5 million tonnes of food is wasted per year in the UK. Here's how you can help!

Every year, billions of tonnes of food are wasted worldwide, contributing to environmental harm, economic loss, and hunger. In the UK alone around 9.5 million tonnes of food are wasted per year (that’s like filling Wembley 9 times over or 4,000 Olympic swimming pools), despite 8.4 million Brits being in food poverty!

In the face of this global issue, Stop FoodWaste Day serves as a rallying point to raise awareness and inspire action towards reducing food waste.

What is Stop Food Waste Day?

Stop Food Waste Day happens every April 28 and is all about shining a light on the need to cut down on food waste worldwide. From non-profits to businesses and governments, everyone's getting involved to remind us of our part in this important issue. Let's join hands to reduce food waste and make a positive impact on our environment, society, and economy!

We reached out to The Felix Project, a leading organisation dedicated to preventing food waste, for their insights on Stop Food Waste Day and effective strategies for combating food waste.

When asked about the significance of Stop Food Waste Day, Georgina Gill, a spokes person for The Felix Project shares, “Stop Food Waste Day prompts reflection on the significant issue of food waste and encourages collective action to address it. It fosters awareness, education, and practical solutions at various levels of the supply chain.”

Georgina explains, “This initiative emphasises the environmental, social, economic, and ethical impacts of food waste, promoting collaboration among stakeholders to implement innovative solutions. Overall, Stop Food WasteDay serves as a catalyst for reducing food waste and creating a more sustainable food system.”

Practical tips and tricks to reduce food waste

  1. Plan meals thoughtfully: Create a weekly meal plan based on what you already have in your pantry and fridge. This helps prevent overbuying and ensures that perishable items are used before they spoil.
  2. Proper storage: Store fruits, vegetables, and perishable items correctly to extend their shelf life.Utilise airtight containers, produce bags, and storage techniques like blanching and freezing to preserve food freshness.
  3. Practice FIFO (first in, first out): When restocking groceries, place newer items behind older ones in the fridge and pantry. This ensures that older products are used first, reducing the likelihood of items expiring unnoticed.
  4. Portion control: Serve appropriate portion sizes during meals to minimise leftovers. Invest in kitchen scales and measuring cups to accurately portion ingredients and avoid cooking more than necessary.
  5. Get creative with leftovers: Transform leftover ingredients into new dishes, such as soups, stir-fries, or salads. Embrace creativity in the kitchen to repurpose excess food and minimise waste.
  6. Composting: Establish a composting system for food scraps and non-edible organic waste. Composting not only reduces landfill waste but also produces nutrient-rich soil for gardening and landscaping. 

The Felix Project

At Tandem, we are proud to work with The Felix Project as a charity partner. The Felix Project has a mission to reduce food waste while helping those living in food poverty.

Georgina explains exactly what they do, “The Felix Project rescues surplus food from suppliers like supermarkets and restaurants, redistributing it to charities to combat food waste and support those facing hunger.”

She continues,“This initiative is crucial due to its environmental, social, economic, and ethical impacts, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, alleviating food insecurity, saving costs for businesses, and aligning with principles of fairness and compassion.”

How can you support The Felix Project?

“Volunteering with tasks such as food sorting and delivery is crucial for The Felix Project's daily operations,” Georgina explains. “Financial contributions from donations cover essential costs for food collection and distribution. Individuals can also organise events or campaigns to raise funds through activities like charity runs or online drives.”

She goes on, “Spreading awareness about The Felix Project through social media or community events helps to amplify its impact. Corporate partnerships offer valuable support through food donations, funding, or employee volunteering. Additionally, restaurants and supermarkets can reduce waste and provide meals by donating surplus food. Locally, organising food drives or awareness events demonstrates community support.”


Stop Food Waste Day serves as an important reminder of the urgent need to address the global food waste crisis. Use this day to get better at stopping food waste and living a little greener.

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